Gaelin Rosenwaks: A Lifelong Fascination with Ocean Giants
Guy Kawasaki hosts 'Remarkable People' featuring Gaelin Rosenwaks, a marine scientist inspired by a childhood encounter with a sperm whale. Gaelin has led global expeditions, authored 'Sperm Whales: The Gentle Goliaths of the Ocean,' and continues to search for a whale named Feisty. Despite technological limitations in 1981, Feisty's rescue had a lasting impact, highlighting the importance of human connection to wildlife. Modern whale rescue methods have evolved, and Gaelin advocates against hunting whales, emphasizing their intelligence and the need for conservation. She uses advanced photography equipment to document her work and avoids politicizing climate change, focusing on making environmental issues accessible. Gaelin's career highlights include her first expedition to Antarctica and receiving a giant squid tentacle from a sperm whale, underscoring her dedication to ocean science and storytelling.
Guy Kawasaki hosts 'Remarkable People' featuring Gaelin Rosenwaks, a marine scientist inspired by a