Thor Pedersen, a Danish adventurer, made history by visiting every country in the world without flying. His decade-long journey, chronicled in his blog Once Upon A Saga, showcases the spirit of exploration and human connection. Throughout his travels, Thor engaged with local communities, shared stories, and fostered cultural unity. He also highlighted the important work of the Red Cross Societies. Thor's odyssey demonstrates the interconnectedness of our world and his belief that a stranger is a friend you've never met before. He served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the Danish Red Cross, raising awareness and funds for their humanitarian efforts. The Red Cross plays a crucial role in providing aid and support during emergencies and disasters. Thor's journey was not without challenges, including being stuck in Hong Kong for two years due to the outbreak of the virus in Wuhan. He also faced financial setbacks and encountered racism in Central Africa. Despite these difficulties, Thor remained determined to complete his mission. Along the way, he got married in different countries, experienced kindness and generosity from people of different cultures, and learned the limitations of truly understanding a country in just two weeks. Thor's journey has had a profound impact on his own personal growth and maturity. After returning, he is focusing on building a life with his wife, writing a book, and sharing his experiences through speaking engagements and a documentary. Thor emphasizes the importance of being a respectful guest when traveling and learning from different cultures. He reflects on the concept of happiness and the tendency for media to focus on negative events. Thor used various equipment, including an iPhone and GoPro camera, to document his journey. Despite the challenges and dangers he faced, Thor highlights the goodness of people and the abundance of good in the world.
Thor Pedersen, a Danish adventurer, made history by visiting every country in the world without flyi